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I've worked with people in over 60 countries making content for global audiences. A creative director is only as strong as their team- so here’s a special shoutout to all of the producers, directors, writers and graphic artists who loaned me their talents. They kicked ass.


Live TV and events

 Live TV is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. It's also incredibly easy to get wrong. It takes months of planning to arrive at a single moment, and then it's gone. There's no greater excitement in the world than when an AD counts 3, 2, 1....  Also, don't forget, Live spelled backwards is Evil.


Digital and Social

 I've made a ton of work that required no script, no words, and lots of funky artistry. I've produced work for every platform you can think of (FB, FB live, IG, YT, Snapchat, Twitter, vod, svod, dto- ok that's enough). Some of that work is here.  Most of it isn't.